Seminář se Sarah Leupen – Motivating Students

Seminář se Sarah Leupen – Motivating Students

Semináře jsou určené pro vyučující všech zaměření a všech stupňů vzdělávacího systému.

As teachers, we feel that often we go to a lot of work to teach and assist our students, yet the students do not always seem to put in as much effort as we are. They often do not study as much and as early as they should, and sometimes they do not even come to class. What can we do to change this? Is it even our responsibility to motivate the students, anyway? In this workshop we will discuss these questions as well as the theory (from cognitive science) and practice of student motivation. When students are motivated, they learn more– and teaching is a lot more enjoyable, too. You will leave with some practices you can use right away, in your next class meeting.

Smeninář probíhá v angličtině a je zdarma.